“While our competition struggles to adapt, our team has been able to work anywhere and maintain business continuity under any scenario because we’re running PennAir on Acumatica in the Cloud.”

Seth Bray
CEO PennAir

In the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak, businesses everywhere are struggling. Having everyone work from home seems like an impossibility for many companies. Systems are not properly set up, and people don’t have access to the tools they need. One thing has become crystal clear: it’s past time to move to the cloud.

Remote work is difficult when your software isn’t built to work that way. Older and outdated systems are having to be used remotely through rushed set-ups and workarounds. It doesn’t have to be this way. There are modern solutions out there that are built in the cloud and make times like these much easier to get through. Acumatica is one such solution.

There are many reasons to make the switch to a modern ERP like Acumatica, like accessibility, consistency, and the ability to grow.


A modern Cloud ERP is accessible from anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you’re at work, at home, or anywhere in between. You can use a laptop, a tablet, a phone, or any other device with an internet connection and a browser. This may not have been necessary ten years ago, but it will absolutely be necessary going forward. In a world that is as fast paced as ours, being able to work from wherever you need to is vital. This is especially true of special circumstances, such as the current outbreak.


Keeping your company’s data consistent can be difficult in a system that is not connected, like a full ERP. When you have separate financials, CRM, inventory, and project management, there is information lost or changed over the different software. Even if you have a full ERP, data can be lost when it isn’t in the cloud. If you’re not in the office, and you need to change something in the system, you may write it down to change it when you have access. Things get forgotten, and data stays incorrect. Having all parts of your system connected, and accessible when you need them, is vital to keeping your business operations consistent.


If you’re on an outdated system, growth can be a scary thing. It can require new hardware or new licenses. It can mean that your current system doesn’t scale to your new needs. So, you add in short-term fixes along the way. You find ways to keep it working, until it REALLY isn’t working. On a Cloud ERP platform, there is no need for this. A good cloud platform will scale with you, and any additional resources needed to accommodate growth can be easily added. There is no need for new hardware, no need for new licenses.

Having your business systems run in the cloud isn’t the future, it is what needs to happen now. If you’re not running your business out of the cloud, it is time. In a world that is changing as fast as ours, having your business built on a modern platform is a necessity. What are you waiting for?

Need help running your business out of the cloud?